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Sewing Machine Secrets

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Take one of our classes in person or online!

sewing tools

Know Your Tools

A MUST for beginners! Learn about the main tools used in the sewing process, how to use them to your maximum benefit, and what tools work best for specific projects. Perfect for those looking to set up a sewing area in their home without wasting space or blowing the budget!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!

"Seamstress don't fear the ripper, nor the iron, the spool or the pin."   –Deep Purple (Maybe)

This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
sewing machine

Sewing Machine Basics

Learn the basic stitches of the machine, proper cleaning techniques, identify the main parts of a machine and how they work, learn how to properly thread your machine for jam-free sewing. Plus we'll identify some common problems that are easy to solve on the fly!

sign me up!
Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
Bring your Machine if you have one!
open seam

Simple Seams

There's more to a great seam and edge finish than stitching a line and ironing it flat. Learn 3 different seam finishes, how to properly press your seams, and how to get a professional finish every time!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
pressing seam with iron

Pressing 101

There's "ironing" and then there's PRESSING. Do you know the difference? Learn to get the most out of your iron and board, and what pressing tools to consider when building your sewing tool chest. If you want to take your sewing to the next level of professionalism quickly and easily, this is the class to take!

Student Materials: 
Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
hemming seam by hand

Edge Finishes & Hems

Finished edges give a crisp, well executed look to any project. Learn how to perform a narrow edge hem, blindstitch a hem, and create some fun finishes without pulling your hair out!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!

Ready to begin?
Sign up for all 5 classes with our 
Beginning Sewing Series!

Our Most popular set of classes!

Gimme FIVE!

sewing machine icon

Our most popular classes in one set...

Beginning Sewin​​g Series

students learning to sew

All 5 beginning sewing classes with in-person reviews, lifetime video access, and our 5-star tips and tricks!

Classes included are:
Sewing Machine Basics - Care & feeding of your machine
Know Your Tools - What tools to get & what they do
Simple Seams - Techniques for assembly perfection
Pressing 101 - Take your work from hobby to Professional
Edge Finshes & Hems - Shorten your jeans, skirts, and more

and a BONUS 90+ minute hands on review of the techniques!

Perfect for busy schedules, learn on your own time and still get all the hands-on assistance you crave!

Show me the Dates

Curious about our classes?

Here's a quick sample of what to expect in person and online!

Ready to learn more?

Tish is a fabulous teacher, and I learned SO MUCH! I hadn't used a sewing machine for decades, and now I understand why that experience was so frustrating for me. In the past, I didn't know all of the little details about cutting and tension and tools. Now I have a great foundation to practice at home and pop into more classes as I figure out which types of projects I want to pursue.

I will also add that Tish's videos are really great! If you're hesitating to pay for a video online, rest assured that you will definitely learn some things and see great examples of tools, techniques, and best practices.

Need some Extra help?

Give us a call on the HISS Hotline! We'll talk you through your sewing questions, or find time in the schedule for a private lesson!

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