All the cats help write class descriptions, and may appear in the sides for each class!
Diego is all about pressing, and getting the best seams possible on a project. His Iron Paw rules when it comes to having your work look as good from the back as it does from the front, and he's the one to do the happy dance with you when you complete your first project!
Our reason we started the studio and forever spokescat, Vega's tenacity to finish the toughest projects will give you inspiration to take on that next sewing challenge! Vega crossed the Rainbow Bridge in August of 2019 after defying the odds as a special needs kitty. We miss you Vega!
Just like her name says, River is all about good sewing flow! She makes sure that you have all your pieces ready and notions on hand before starting a project, is a stickler for pressing techniques and prep work, and loves trims! She's especially fond of homemade catnip toys!
Bravo is all about comfort, so he's our resident knits expert. Whether its a fleece, velour, or plain old jersey, he's in the now on how to get the best results from this fuzzy fabric!
Vin is our resident assassin...she's always hunting down deals, new techniques, and slashing sewing expenses! Her favorite sewing website is for great deals!
Sally is our "den mother" and takes expert care of all of our newest students! Sally's gentle guidance will keep you from becoming confused and frustrated with your project, as she is knowledgeable in most skills and always willing to help!