Top Rated Teacher on Dabble





Just starting out?
Here's the new sewing machine we recommend!

sewing machine icon

Never Sewn Before? START HERE!

Introduction to Sewing 
Make a Hand Sewing Needle Case - $45

Never used a sewing machine? Maybe used one once years ago? Curious if sewing is a hobby you'd like to try? This is your starting point. Sew a very basic project, learn a little about sewing, and find out if you want to pursue more with this easy and fun introduction to sewing. Perfect for those who are curious! 1 1/2 hour class!

This is a very laid back and fun class for anyone who wants to have a good time and learn about sewing!

Sign me up!
The DOOMSDAY Class - $35

Ok, so you don't own a machine, don't WANT to own a machine, but you'd like to be able to fix some of those nagging problems that occur with clothing...buttons fall off, hems come out, a sweater gets a snag, a small hole in your favorite shirt. You know, the kind of repairs mom or grandma would have scolded you for paying the dry cleaner to do, and with poor results!

Welcome to the DOOMSDAY CLASS, where we focus on giving you those basic skills in case of the zombie apocalypse (or to appease granny). You will learn how to: sew a button on properly, fix a hem that came out of your dress slacks or skirt, move a snap, hook, or button to adjust fit, and how to fix small holes/snags in sweaters and shirts. No machines used, just good old fashioned hand sewing with a needle, thread, scissors and a marking pencil.

Save yourself the cost at the dry cleaner, and learn a few self-sufficient mending skills that will amaze your friends! Or at least, make you feel good about yourself!

Learn MORE for less with intimate
3 student sessions

Get the attention you need to achieve 
FUN and sewing success!

We keep it it small so you learn it all!

Our most popular classes in one set...

Beginning Sewin​​g Series

students learning to sew

All 5 beginning sewing classes with in-person reviews, lifetime video access, and our 5-star tips and tricks!

Classes included are:
Sewing Machine Basics - Care & feeding of your machine
Know Your Tools - What tools to get & what they do
Simple Seams - Techniques for assembly perfection
Pressing 101 - Take your work from hobby to Professional
Edge Finshes & Hems - Shorten your jeans, skirts, and more

and a BONUS 90+ minute hands on review of the techniques!

Perfect for busy schedules, learn on your own time and still get all the hands-on assistance you crave!

Show me the Dates

Curious about our classes?

Here's a quick sample of what to expect in person and online!

Individual Beginning Classes

sewing tools

Know Your Tools

A MUST for beginners! Learn about the main tools used in the sewing process, how to use them to your maximum benefit, and what tools work best for specific projects. Perfect for those looking to set up a sewing area in their home without wasting space or blowing the budget!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!

"Seamstress don't fear the ripper, nor the iron, the spool or the pin."   –Deep Purple (Maybe)

This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
sewing machine

Sewing Machine Basics

Learn the basic stitches of the machine, proper cleaning techniques, identify the main parts of a machine and how they work, learn how to properly thread your machine for jam-free sewing. Plus we'll identify some common problems that are easy to solve on the fly!

sign me up!
Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
Bring your Machine if you have one!
open seam

Simple Seams

There's more to a great seam and edge finish than stitching a line and ironing it flat. Learn 3 different seam finishes, how to properly press your seams, and how to get a professional finish every time!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
pressing seam with iron

Pressing 101

There's "ironing" and then there's PRESSING. Do you know the difference? Learn to get the most out of your iron and board, and what pressing tools to consider when building your sewing tool chest. If you want to take your sewing to the next level of professionalism quickly and easily, this is the class to take!

Student Materials: 
Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!
hemming seam by hand

Edge Finishes & Hems

Finished edges give a crisp, well executed look to any project. Learn how to perform a narrow edge hem, blindstitch a hem, and create some fun finishes without pulling your hair out!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen!
This is an "Anytime" HISS@Home class!

Or, sign up for ALL five in our most popular Series!

Sign up for the Series!

Beginner Sewing Skills

Please Note

Class registration closes 24hrs before each class

If you wish to attend a class that has closed registration,
please call or email to find out if there is space in the class.

Learn MORE for less with intimate 3 student sessions

Be in the Know and save some Dough!

Join our Mailing List to find out aboutour 5 class packages, 
new class offeringsand upcoming specials & coupons!

Sign me up!!

Construction Techniques Made Simple

We demystify all of the major sewing hang-ups of construction.

With these skills you can make practically ANYTHING!

I went into this class knowing zero about sewing machines! Tish was patient and informative and made me feel comfortable asking questions or re-showing me something I didn't understand. I can't wait to sign up for more classes now that I have the basics down!


I recently took the Introduction to Sewing class with Tish and I have to say it was great! I have very little experience with sewing and Tish did a great job of demystifying the whole process and we were sewing within 15 minutes. This class has inspired me to take the next beginner series! Tish was an excellent instructor and made the class really fun. Highly recommended!


Fun Beginner Projects

Apply the skills from our beginner classes and make an original item!

For best results with projects, be sure you've taken the prerequisite skills

tote bag

Make a Tote Bag

Make a grocery tote for lunches, shopping, or whatever and solidify the basics of seams, edge finishes,

This class is 90min to all ow new students time to complete.. 

Prerequisites: Simple Seams, Pressing 101, Edge finishes & Hems
Student Materials: ​Washed & pressed old sheet, o​​r 1 1/2 yard fabric washed & pressed

Recommended fabric: sturdy cotton print, lightweight denim, NO KNITS!! Don't forget thread!
simplicity skirt pattern

Make a Simple Skirt
5-part Class

Make a basic A-line skirt from a pattern, solidifying the skills of seams, edge finishes, and zippers. This 5 part course will guide you through the assembly process, and get you comfortable with sewing on your own! Also, it is beneficial if you have a sewing machine at home, as this session does encourage students to sew in-between classes. If you do not have a machine, please contact us to discuss options. If you are a slow sewer you may need to purchase additional class time to complete your skirt.

This course includes How to Read Patterns, Cutting your Fabric, Zippers, Buttonholes, and a two hour assembly session!
sign me up!
Student Materials: Simplicity 
Learn to Sew # 2314

Washed & Pressed Fabric according to pattern requirements, zipper, thread

Conveniently Located at

9250 W. 5th Ave in Lakewood!

map of location front of building

Where do I get materials I need for class?

Most of the beginning sewing classes only require you to bring a notepad & pen to take notes. However, a few of the classes to require student purchase of materials.
Those materials are highlighted in BLUE.

We suggest signing up for store discounts and shopping around 
for the best deal on all items.


Here are some suggestions for great deals on supplies!

Wawak.comThe Craft Box Recreative
ElfriedesEquilter • Hobby Lobby • Walmart

Sewing Machine Basics - $35

Learn the basic stitches of the machine, proper cleaning techniques, identify the main parts of a machine and how they work, learn how to properly thread your machine for jam-free sewing. Plus we'll identify some common problems that are easy to solve on the fly!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Bring your sewing machine if you have one!
Know Your Tools - $35

A MUST for beginners! Learn about the main tools used in the sewing process, how to use them to your maximum benefit, and what tools work best for specific projects. Perfect for those looking to set up a sewing area in their home without wasting space or blowing the budget!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen

Seamstress don't fear the ripper, nor the iron, the spool or the pin." –Deep Purple (Maybe)

Simple Seams - $35

There's more to a great seam and edge finish than stitching a line and ironing it flat. Learn 3 different seam finishes, how to properly press your seams, and how to get a professional finish every time!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Pressing 101 - $35

There's "ironing" and then there's PRESSING. Do you know the difference? Learn to get the most out of your iron and board, and what pressing tools to consider when building your sewing tool chest. If you want to take your sewing to the next level of professionalism quickly and easily, this is the class to take!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Edge Finishes & Hems - $35

Finished edges give a crisp, well executed look to any project. Learn how to perform a narrow edge hem, blindstitch a hem, and create some fun finishes without pulling your hair out!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
How to read patterns and cut them from your fabric - $77

There's a wealth of information on just the pattern envelope, let alone the instruction sheet! If it's all greek to you, then you need this class! Learn how to properly buy correct fabric yardage, how to figure out what notions you need, ​and more!

Then we'll cover how to properly pin, cut, and mark your fabric from a pattern. Sounds easy, right? It is, but avoid the pitfalls of mismatched fabric pieces, crooked or warped pieces, missing pieces, faulty marks and more with this tutorial.

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Pattern of your choice,  fabric with a pattern or print on it to cut out
This class contains 3 hours of sewing! 2 hours of watch at home classes, followed with 1 hour of in-person hands-on review!
Zippers & Buttonholes 101 - $77

Learn the basics about zippers, 2 different ways to insert zippers into a garment, proper care, and how to shorten a zipper in this toothy tutorial.

Do you bungle your buttonholes? Never made a buttonhole, and are scared to ruin a project? This class will guide you through the buttonhole process to give you store-bought results.

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen, 
1 nylon zipper, 1 invisible zipper, around 6" in length 

We recommend taking Simple Seams and/or Edge finishing before taking this class
Sign me up!
This class contains 3 hours of sewing! 2 hours of watch at home classes, followed with 1 hour of in-person hands-on review!
Learn About Fabrics - $35

Freaked out by the amount of fabric choices? Not sure if a fabric will work for your project? Can't tell a lawn from a lamé? This class will unlock the secrets of the fabric bolt, help guide you through almost any fabric store, and help you avoid picking the wrong fabric for your project.

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Knit Wits - $35

Do you have FOK....Fear of Knits? Knits don't have to be hard, difficult, or scary, they just need a few special tricks that are easy to master! Increase your knit know-how with the techniques in this loopy lesson! Learn how to use special stitches to prevent unwanted mishaping, figuring proper ease, and how to identify which knit is right for your project!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen
Pockets 101 - $35

Pockets are a wonderful addition to pants, skirts, and bags. Learn how to add side seam pockets to pants and skirts, or patch pockets to jackets, bags, and ​more.

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen

We recommend taking Simple Seams and/or Edge finishing before taking this class
Stretch your Knowledge of Elastics - $35

Elastic has many uses, from no-fault gathering to waistbands and even tailoring! In this class we'll discuss various method of applying elastic to your project, and how to get the best results!

Student Materials: Notepad & Pen, 3 kinds of elastic: 1" wide, 1/4 or 1/2" wide, and thin tube elastic
Sign me up!

Sign up for our 
5 class beginner's series and save!

Gimme FIVE!

Conveniently Located at

9250 W. 5th Ave 
in Lakewood!


Don't freak out... book the HISS HELPLINE!

Book a 15 minute Virtual Session!

Perfect if you can't get in for a class,
but just need to ask a quick question,
solve a problem, or get an opinion on a pattern!

Operators are standing by!

4-5:30pm by Appt.
15 min. for $20!

book the hiss 
helpline now!

Or send us an Email for a custom scheduling option

Be in the know and save some Dough!

Join our Mailing List to find out about our 5 class packages, 
new class offerings, and upcoming specials & coupons!

Sign Me up!!

Where do I get materials I need for class?

Most of the beginning sewing classes only require you to bring a notepad & pen to take notes. However, a few of the classes to require student purchase of materials.
Those materials are highlighted in BLUE.

We suggest signing up for store discounts and shopping around 
for the best deal on all items.